Bill Nasso (photo)

Bill Nasso

Political Communicator 908.625.8610

Bill only works with Democratic, Independent and Nonpartisan candidates and organizations

Bill Nasso grew up in Lackawanna, New York, a steel city described in the 60s as the nation’s most ethnically diverse. Active in student government and campus media at SUNY Brockport, he double majored in speech and communications media, and stayed to study political rhetoric and mass communication in grad school while teaching critical thinking, purposeful writing and public speaking as a graduate assistant.

In the early-80s he moved to Broward County, Florida and became involved in its Democratic politics. By the mid-80s he was running winning campaigns. In the mid-80s he joined in founding 21st Century Democrats to help South Florida Democrats understand and adjust as campaigns became more sophisticated and the party and its voters began moving toward the center.

With a record of winning difficult county-wide campaigns plus his work inside the Dukakis for President Florida campaign creating field communications and producing its successful Democratic state convention program, Bill co-founded Politechnical Consultants in Fort Lauderdale in early 1988. Finding advertising agencies expensive and inefficient for quick-paced political campaigns, he learned desktop publishing skills to create print-ready artwork incorporating eye-track research to capture attention and persuasive rhetoric to move people to act. And, to provide sophisticated voter targeting resources to their clients, he created an in-house voter database and enhanced it with demographic and geographic data. The result: Politechnical earned an impressive win/loss record for its clients over the next six years.

Bill continued working with Florida campaigns after relocating to North Carolina in 1991. Three years later and after an unsuccessful run for office he began working with political campaigns in and around Raleigh and helped build the state party’s voter file for its 1994 coordinated campaign. In 1997 he participated as a trainer in the National Democratic Institute for International Affairsʼ Bosnian grassroots party development program He also advised several Liberal Democrat party candidates in Great Britain’s 1997 parliamentary elections. In 2001 Bill graduated from the first Multimedia Bootcamp for storytelling at UNC-Chapel Hill’s School of Journalism and Mass Communication.

In the late 1990s he became involved in growth issues in the Raleigh-Durham area and the use of polling and focus group data to inform and influence decision-makers. He helped organize Triangle Growth Strategies as a 501(3)c nonprofit to work toward stakeholder consensus on mitigating the region’s sprawl. He helped conduct and use polling on the public’s feelings about growth and leveraged its resulta to inform and advise political candidates in Raleigh and Durham. In 2000 he researched and reported for the Town of Cary about how overcrowding in the town’s schools related with the county school board’s planning for residential growth.

Understanding people’s mixed feelings about growth and partisanship has helped him lead a number of Cary town council campaigns to decisive wins between 1997 and 2022, contributing to better management of the town’s growth and the enhancement of its quality of life.

Today, Bill lives in rural New Jersey with his wife, Patricia, and their three-year-old Great Pyrenees, Riley. He continues his interest in politics, public policy and the health of our democracy, and remains involved by helping good candidates get elected.